09 Mar

Genesis 6: 13-22

OK, today’s reading is a little long, but as we start this new month, I think it is worth the extra time it takes to read today’s scripture. God is patient, God is slow to wrath, slow to anger. But He does get angry! Verse 13 tells us that God had had enough with sinful man. Friends, that time is approaching today. I believe that the Bible teaches that the time will come when God will have enough of sin, evil and violence from mankind in this generation. According to the Bible, God will remove the church in rapture and his judgment  will fall on this world! Let’s pray that we will be like Noah in verse 22. Noah did all that the Lord commanded him to do!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, in this evil time, help me keep my focus on you! 
I Corinthians 1: 27
Today’s text has a personal meaning to me. I know that the Lord saved me and the Lord called me to preach the word and to pastor. I hear preachers say all the time, I don’t know why God would call me. I am not worthy! Of course I am not worthy to serve the Lord! But the Lord did not call me because I am worthy, God called me because I am foolish. Praise the Lord!!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Thank the Lord for the privilege to serve Him!! 
Genesis 22: 7-8
Isaac was a very intelligent young man. Abraham’s son had watched his father prepare the fire and the wood for the burnt offering before the Lord. He knew that they had traveled to the place that the Lord had told Abraham to make the offering. But the one thing that Isaac noticed was missing was the lamb-the offering itself was missing. So Isaac asked his dad about that. In verse 7 Isaac asked where is the lamb? Abraham’s answer must have been alright with Isaac in verse 8 when Abraham replied, God will provide. Isaac had not heard that God had told Abraham to offer Isaac as the offering. Sometimes we may not understand why God tells or leads us to do something. The point is, trust the Lord and He will work things out!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, remind me to trust you always, even when I don’t understand! 
John 4: 1-10
I love today’s scripture. His woman was not meeting Jesus by accident. The Lord even stated in verse 4 that He had a need to go through Samria. The women knew that Jesus was a Jew and she knew the Jews and the Samarians did not get along well. So, she asked the Lord in verse 9, you being a Jew, how come you ask a drink of water of me? I love the answer that Jesus gave her in verse 10. “If you knew who I was, you would have asked me for living water”. People today still do not know who Jesus is! It is up to you and I to tell them who He is! The Son of God, the Savior of the world!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to tell others today who you are! 
Psalm 117: 1-2
OK, we have put the whole of Psalm 117 in our text today. Of course Psalm 117 is only two verse long! But still, these are powerful verses. Verse one tell us to praise the Lord and who is to praise the Lord! Verse 2 tells us why we should praise. Because He is so kind and so merciful toward us. The Bible here in verse 2 also reminds us as to how long the Lords truth will endure for us- forever!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s thank the Lord today for His mercy and kindness today! 
John 3: 1-3
In today’s text, I want us to take notice of verse 2. Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, the Bible declares apparently did not want anyone to know that he was going to talk to Jesus. The Bible says he came to Jesus by night. Nicodemus was apparently afraid of what other people would think about him going to the Lord. How about you and me today? Are we afraid to let others know that we are associated with Jesus? We had better not be! Never, never be ashamed to let everybody know that we belong to the Lord! Matter of fact, lets tell everyone today that we belong to the Lord!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, let everybody know that I belong to you! 
II KINGS 20: 1-6
I love this scripture! Today’s verses show us two things. God will listen to one that has been faithful to Him. And the Lord will have mercy on the broken hearted. Hezekiah received the message that he was about to die. He cried and asked God to remember his walk before God. Verse 3- “I beseech thee, O Lord, remember now how I have walked before thee”. God cares for His people. Whatever you are facing today, remember God will not leave a person that trusts Him! God will be there and will answer our prayers!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, remember me today! 
MARK 1: 14-18
In today’s text, we learn that John the Baptist was put in jail and Jesus goes about preaching the gospel. I love to fish. Fishing helps me to relax. Jesus, in verse 16, calls a couple of fishermen to follow him. Notice in verse 17 that He did not take fishing away from them, He just changed wat they were fishing for! Now, they would be fishing for souls! Friends, there is nothing in the world like leading a soul to Jesus Christ! So, enjoy fishing today! Just remember who or what we are fishing for- souls for Jesus!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, use me to bring souls to you! 
PSALM 46: 10
Today’s scripture tells us to do something that some of us have a problem with- BE STILL! I sometimes have a problem with just being still. But the Lord is telling us here to be still and think about who He is! He said “I am God”. I really believe that sometimes when everything is going on around us, we need to just stop, be still and remember that He is God!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY:  Lord, help me in my stillness to remember who you are! 
JOHN 15: 16-17
I have heard so many people over the years say something like “I found the Lord”. You know, I believe that today’s text shows us that we don’t find or choose the Lord, He chooses us! Have you ever just stopped and thanked the Lord for drawing us to Him and for saving us?
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, thank you for choosing me to be a part of your family! 
PSALM 37: 3-7
As you read today’s text on being close to the Lord, notice the key words in the verses. Trust (v 3), delight (v 4), commit (v 4), and rest (v 7). As we study these verses today I believe that the Lord is giving us a lesson on how to draw closer to Him. If you can, take a dictionary or look up on line each of these words. I started to give you the meaning of each but I think it will help us to grow in the Lord if we look them up ourselves!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, allow me by using your word to draw closer to you! 
Have you ever been late to an appointment? This is one we will not be late for! Oh, I have heard people say that so and so will be late for their own funeral. But remember this, no matter where I am or what I am doing, when death approaches, I will keep that appointment. It pays to be ready to meet the Lord at all times, every day!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to live today like this was my last day on earth. Remind me it could be! 
PSALM 51: 1-4
This is a powerful psalm! This is the plasm of David after it was brought to his attention by the prophet Nathan that God knew of his sin with Bathsheba. David begged for mercy from God. He asked God to wash him. David acknowledged his sin before the Lord (v 3) and he told the Lord that he had sinned against Almighty God. Friends, it sure does pay to be prayed up and confessed before a holy God! Remember, we cannot hide anything from the Lord.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to keep sin from me and me close to you! 
JOHN 13: 34-35
Have you ever thought about what the Lord is really saying to us in today’s scripture? We are to love the brethren as the Lord has loved us. Wow, that is a whole lot of love. Then, verse 35 tells us that “by this” the love that we show for the brethren will show others that we belong to the Lord. Ok, some people are easier to love than others! Let’s remember to practice loving all as the Lord loves us!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to love the brethren! 
GENESIS 1: 19-23
I love to fish! I am not good at it, but I love to fish. Today’s text reminds us who made that fishing possible. Have you ever just stopped and looked at the birds, and looked at the rivers and oceans and thanked God for all that He made many, many years ago? Every now and then it is a good thing to remember that God make this old world and all the animals and life in it!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s just thank the Lord for the birds and the fish today! 
ACTS 16: 16-25
Today’s reading is a little long, but good stuff! Paul and Silas were beaten and put in jail for casting a demon out of a young lady. They did a good thing in the name of Jesus Christ and got into trouble for it. Have you ever done something good for someone and ended up in trouble for it? How did you deal with it? Did it make you mad? Notice how Paul and Silas dealt with it in verse 25. They prayed and sang praises unto God. Here’s some good advice, no matter what we are going through or why, praise God anyway!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Thank you Lord!! 
PROVERBS 31: 10-31
Just thinking about my mother today for some reason. This scripture comes to mind. If you still have your mom and your dad, thank God for them today! Tell them that you love them and tell them! If your mom and dad are gone, pass this message to someone who does still have theirs. Remind them to thank God for them while they have them here.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Thank you Lord for our mom’s and dad’s! 
I just felt like someone needed this today! Remember this, no matter what you are feeling, no matter what the burden is, no matter how much the devil is throwing at you today, you and I can get through it with the Lord! Remember, the Bible here says “I can do all things”, not some things, but ALL things “through Christ which strengthens me”!! With the Lord, we will get through!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY:  Thank you Lord for always being there! 10/19/24
PSALM 68: 1-3
According to our scripture today, God has enemies. If you just list to the world around us today, you will find that statement to be true! God does have enemies, but according to verse 2, Godd will take care of them. They will be driven away like smoke. God also reminds us here that those who love Him (v 3), the righteous shall be glad and rejoice! God will not let His enemies slow Him down. Let’s you and I do the same!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me keep my eyes on you even when my enemies are all around me! 
MARK 14: 10-11
Wow!! Think about today’s scripture. Judas, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests to betray Jesus! The Bible tells us in verse 11 they have him money to betray Jesus. Let’s make sure that we never do anything to bring harm to our Lord or to the Lord’s work. Remember this, Jesus knew as Judas and the others sat around the table with him later, Jesus knew Judas was the one that betrayed Him. Let’s never be guilty of standing against the Lord or the Lord’s work.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please always draw me near to you! 
JOSHUA 1: 1-5
The work of God must go on! Moses was not a perfect man, but the Lord called Moses “my servant” in verse 2 here. But now Moses was gone. But I want us to notice that the work of God must go forward. God began to tell Joshua that the same land that God had promised his people with Moses leading was the same land that God still gives His people, even with Moses gone. The point here today is that God’s work must go on. Man will face death, leaders will come and go, but the work of God must move forward! So let’s keep our eyes on the Lord today and not man!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, remind me daily that your work is eternal! 
REVELATION 22: 17-19
Don’t mess with the word of God! The Bible here gives us a strong message about adding to or taking away from the word of God. Now, I know that this is dealing with the book of Revelation. But should this not apply to all of the word of God? Some today try to make their own truth by taking scripture out of context. But this is a very dangerous thing. The Bible here gives a warning that God will bring judgment for that.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to always respect and hear your word! 
JOB 42: 1-2
Today’s text is short but powerful! Two main points in today’s scripture. One, Job acknowledged that God can do everything and anything! There is nothing that Almighty God cannot do. Two, God knows all about me and you. Job declared that “no thought can be hid from God”. So remember, we serve a powerful God and He even knows what I am thinking!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to serve you with a pure heart! Remind me that you know all about me! 
JOHN 12: 23-27
Jesus was born in this old world to die for our sins! This was a major part of His mission. The Lord reminds us in this test that we are to love the Lord more than life itself (v 25). The Lord knew what was ahead. He knew what was about to happen to Him. Remember, Jesus was 100% God but he was also 100% man. Verse 27 reminds us of this truth when he acknowledged his soul was troubled!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY:  Thank you Lord for that which you did for me on the Cross! 
God gives us a good lesson in this text! Listen when we go to the house of God (v 1). I love the lesson found in verse 2, don’t talk too much! I love the sentence “be not rash with thy mouth” and “let thy words be few”. Mom used to tell me all the time that God gave me two ears and one mouth so I could listen twice as much as I talked. Good advice!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Help me Lord to be quiet and listen when I should. 
Today’s scripture has a good message! Paul is saying to his readers, remember the gospel message (v 2). I really believe that Paul was reminding us that even in church work we can get so tied up in the work that we forget the gospel message is what we are all about. It is about Jesus dying on that cross for our sins and coming out of that grave for us on that third day! The gospel is about Jesus paying our sin debt! We need to remember this message daily!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, remind me daily of everything that you have done for me! 
PSALM 113: 1-9
Ok let’s just spend some time today praising the Lord! I love verse 4. The Lord is above all! Whenever somebody is trying to give you a hard time or trying to tell you of their importance, remember no one is “like unto the Lord”. When you read verse 7-9 remember what he has done for each of us! Praise the Lord!!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, we just want to praise you today! 
MARK 12: 13-17
This is good scripture! The Bible teaches here that the religious leaders were trying to catch Jesus in a trap before the people. They were trying to tempt the Lord and he saw that (v 15). They were asking should we pay taxes to a man- Caesar? Is not this wrong if we are following Almighty God? Jesus threw it back at them and asked who’s image is on your money? They said Caesar. He said then give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God that which is Gods
PRAYER FOR THE DAY:  Thank you Lord for heavenly wisdom!
Ok, today’s scripture is short but powerful! The Bible here is letting us know that we should love to be taught. If a person is willing to be instructed, that person will get knowledge. In other words, I should want God to teach me! The second part of this verse reminds us that one that does not want instruction or correction in knowledge is “brutish”. Do you know any brutish people?
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Teach me Lord your ways and your words!
HEBREW 11: 1-6
Ok, I know that our text has six verses, but we are going to focus on verse 6. This is the faith chapter in the Bible. Faith is believing God, even when we cannot see Him first. Verse 6 reminds me that if I don’t believe that God is there and that God can do all things, then I cannot please God! The Bible here teaches that God will reward them that believe in Him and then serve and seek Him!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to stand upon my faith! 
NAHUM 1: 7
Ok, I know that we have used this verse before, but today is considered an evil day. Some call it the devil’s day. I want us to remember that the Lord is in control on ALL days! Even in the day of trouble! So don’t give credit to the devil today, let’s give praise and credit to our Lord instead!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY:  Lord, thank you for being a strong hold in my life! 

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