09 Mar

Genesis 1:1
What a place to start our daily devotions! “In the beginning”. This one verse of scripture, 10 short words, teaches us where this world came from. This verse lets us know exactly how this planet and universe began. God made them!! Not by an explosion, not by some cosmic event or events, but by Almighty God! This is the first verse I ever memorized as a child. This is still a good verse to keep in our hearts today. If everyone would remember that God made this world, maybe it will help us to remember that He is still in control of this world!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lets pray for the people of this world to stop worrying about pleasing “mother nature” and start being worried about pleasing God the Father!! 
Matthew 6: 25-34
Do you ever spend time in worry? What a waste of time! According to the words of Jesus here we should not worry about anything if we belong to the Lord! God will always meet our needs and time spent in worry is wasted time. The Lords tells us in verse 33 of this text that if we will seek the Lord first, He will take care of everything else! Stop worrying today and trust the Lord!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, give me victory over worry!! 
Joshua 24: 14-17
In today’s devotion, we are asked to choose. Choose to serve God or not. You and I make decisions every day of our lives. We choose daily what to wear or what to eat or where to go that day. But no choice could ever be more important than whether we will serve Almighty God or not. That decision will affect our whole lives! Let’s choose today to serve God and let’s choose Jesus Christ as our role model and our “way” daily!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for God’s direction for our lives in this day! 
Luke 2: 1-7
I know what you are thinking, it’s not Christmas time, why are we looking at this text in March. Because verse 7 really stands out, even in March! The innkeeper had no room for Mary and Joseph and the soon to be born Christ Child. I believe that the innkeeper was probably telling the truth because there was a tax census taking place and people were in town from all over. Many people have complained that the innkeeper was a bad man for having no room. But many today have no room for Jesus. Our very government does not have room for Jesus. Many people don’t’ have room. Even some churches don’t have room for the Lord. Let’s do some heart searching. Do I have room for Jesus in all parts of my life? Think about that today. Each of us has 24 hours in a day. How much time and room do I have for the Lord today?
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for the whole world to have room for Jesus in their lives. 
Psalm 150: 1-6
Almighty God desires our praise! I love this Psalm! In the verses of this scripture is found where to praise the Lord (verse 1). Why we should praise the Lord (verse 2). How we are to praise the Lord (verses 3-5), and who should praise the Lord (verse 6). Let’s spend this day praising the Lord more than we do anything else!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray a prayer of praise today! Let’s thank the Lord for at least ten blessings on this day! 
John 14: 1-6
Whatever you are facing today, remember this- no one can comfort a heart the way that Jesus can! Anything that we are facing is temporary! Jesus has promised that if I trust Him, He will come and get me one day. Think about that. No matter what I am facing today, it will not last forever! Let not your heart be troubled!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray today for a closer walk with the Lord! Pray “Jesus draw me closer”!! 
Genesis 1: 27
On this Lord’s day, let’s remember who made us! The devil is trying to tell people in our world today that God made mistakes when He made them. The devil wants people to think that they are trapped in the wrong body. Friends, according to the Bible, that is not true! The scripture today teaches us that God made us in His own image and the he made us male and female. God does not make mistakes!!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for others today that are believing the lies of satan. Let’s pray that God will open their eyes! 
Acts 9: 1-9
This is one of my favorite passages of scripture in all of the Bible! The conversion of the Apostle Paul is a beautiful description of the grace of God and the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ! Notice verse 1, “and Saul yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter”. Now read the latter part of verse 6 again. “Arise and go into the city”. The Lord can change anybody! Don’t give up on that one that you have been praying for!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for a person that really, really needs Jesus in their life! Pray for the Lord to save that soul, just as He did Paul’s soul in today’s text! 
1 Samuel 17: 38-50
A couple of years ago, I had the honor to stand in the very valley in Israel where this scripture takes place. Today’s text is a little long but very powerful! As the young man David stands up against the giant Philistine, there is on verse that I want you to notice. Look again at verse 45. David told the giant that he came against him not with sword or spear, but that he came in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel. Friends, today when the giants of this world come to attack you and I we are to come back against them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son! Remember whatever form the giant takes today, a financial burden, a sickness, a burden so heavy it seems that you are about to break under the load, call on Jesus Christ today to battle that giant!!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for the giants of this world to back off in Jesus name!! 
Acts 3: 1-8
What do I have that I can give to others? If you are like me, maybe you don’t have a lot to give others material wise to help others in need a lot of times. But Peter here shows us in today’s text that if we are saved, we do have something great that we can share with others, which is Jesus Christ! Jesus can still heal the body today! Jesus can still comfort today! Jesus can still encourage today! Jesus can still save a soul today! So let’s share the power of God with others today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for our path to cross with someone today that we can share Jesus with! 
Psalm 37: 1-2
Have you ever gotten aggravated over seeing someone who does not seemingly follow the Lord at all seem to prosper? Well, according to today’s text, that is something that the child of God should not do! Instead of fretting ourselves senseless over that person, we are to remember outcome before the Lord. Verse 2 says no matter what they have, or how they seem to prosper, without the Lord, they shall soon be cut down”! Today, let’s get our focus off of the ungodly and focus on how we can lead them to the Lord!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for the “evil doers” in our text today to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! 
Colossians 3: 1-4
Have you ever watched the news of today and gotten upset? Let’s face it, 99% of the news today is bad. The news does not set out to show us a very rosy picture of the future. According to our scripture for today, we are to seek those things which are above. We are to set our affection on those things above. In other words, stop putting focus on the things of this world and put our focus on the things of God! Let’s turn off the news today and open our Bible’s instead!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for the strength to focus more on the work of God than on the world around us!
Proverbs 3: 5-7
There are some powerful words in todays text! According to the scripture, we are to trust in the Lord more than we are to trust our own heart! And we are to acknowledge the Lord in all of our ways! The Bible is teaching us here that trust in the Lord and acknowledging Him will get us along better in this life than trust in ourselves or in anyone else! Whatever you are dealing with today, stop trying to figure it out on your own and trust in the Lord!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray that we put our complete trust in the Lord and not in ourselves or others. 
Hebrews 10: 24-25
With today being the Lord’s day, let’s go to church!! I know that there is a lot of reasons not to go, but the Bible teaches that God expects us to get together, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together”. God may just have a message that we need to hear today, in the house of God! So, let’s go to church!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for the church service today. Pray that the anointing of God would be on the service more than ever before! 
Zephaniah 2: 1-3
The emphasis on today’s scripture seems to be to seek the Lord! Verse 3 teaches us three times to seek the Lord! You may be reading this today and you see no answer to your problem. You see no way out of your situation. Well, maybe we are looking to the wrong people. Maybe, we are seeking the wrong sources. Let’s do what the Bible teaches today and seek the Lord!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for God’s help in all of our problems! Let’s pray for the common sense to see the Lord more than we seek man! 
1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18
Ok, let’s take a break today from the troubles of this world and look forward to what is coming! The rapture of the church! There is coming a day, according to the Bible, when Jesus Christ will call the church out of this world! One day, the world will be behind us. So today, let’s spend some time praising the Lord for his closer than ever return!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for the Lord to use us today to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ more than ever before because our time upon this earth is short! 
Isaiah 45: 5-7
Yes, today’s text is from the Old Testament. Yes, the Lord is talking to His people, the Jews, but we have been adopted into the family by the blood of Jesus Christ! So, this scripture is for me and you too! The Lord is reminding us today that He is God!! He is reminding us that He is a jealous God. Verse 1 “there is none else”. He also reminds us that He is the Lord in verse 2. He reminds us that He formed the light! Today, let’s worship Almighty God for who He is, our Creator!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for God to have more of our lives today than yesterday! 
John 14: 14-19
Today’s scripture should make the child of God shout!! The Lord has promised never to leave you and I if we are saved! Verse 18 teaches “I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you”. If you ever feel alone or if you ever feel no one cares what I am going through, remember, if I am saved, the Lord is there!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s thank the Lord in prayer today for always being there! 
Habakkuk 1: 1-5
Have you ever prayed and prayed about something and felt like the Lord was not hearing you or doing anything? Well, that is the situation in today’s text. Habakkuk is asking the Lord “how long” (verse 2) before you do something. But in verse 5, God sends the answer. The Lord tells Habakkuk and you and I that He will do a work in our day, a work that we will not believe if He told us! The message for today from the word, the Lord is doing a work! Keep trusting Him!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s ask the Lord to give us strength today, even as He is taking care of the burdens around us! 
1 Corinthians 10:13
Today’s text is some of my favorite scripture found in the word of God! Every day I believe we as Christians face temptations. The Bible say here that “such as is common to man”. That means we all face temptations! Look at the promises of God in the text. God is faithful. God will not leave us. God will not allow you and I to suffer or to be tempted above that ye are able to stand! God will offer a way of escape! If you are being tempted today, look to the Lord for a way of escape!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, deliver me from temptation! 
Psalm 46:10
I like these words, “Be still and know that I am God”. With so much talk today about who is in control in our nation, who is in control in our schools, who is in control in our courts, who is in control of our health care system, who is in control around us. Stop on this Lord’s day and remember who IS in control! ‘Be still and know that I am God” !!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, remind me that you are God and that you are in control! 
Romans 10: 9-10
Today’s scripture should be memorized by every child of God!! This text shows us we can be saved! Verse 13 in this chapter tells us without a doubt how to get saved! Child of God, put in your memory verses 9 and 10 of Romans 10!! Be ready to share Jesus Christ with others at all times!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for the chance to share Jesus Christ with others today! 
Isaiah 7:14
Remember that today’s text is in the Old Testament, but it sure does sound like Luke, chapter 2 which is in the New Testament. There are people who say that the Bible contradicts itself. This scripture shows us that is not true! The Bible is the word of God! It does not speak against itself! You can trust God’s word! It has stood the test of time! It has never failed! God says what He means and means what He says! God sent His Son to be our Savior to die for our sins! You can take God’s word to the bank!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Thank you Lord for what you have done for me!! 
1 Peter 4: 12-16
Today’s scripture is for any one of us going through stuff! James reminds us not to think that is strange that we are facing stuff (verse 12). The Lord never promised that we would have only good days as a child of God. The Lord never promised that we would not suffer. The Lord has promised that we would never be alone. The Lord promised that He would protect us from more than we can handle. If you ae going through some stuff today, rejoice that you are partakers of Christ’s sufferings. Remember, you are in good company! 
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, as I face stuff, help me to stand for you anyhow! 
Jeremiah 6:16
Boy, do we need to go back to the “old paths” today! Today’s scripture sure does fit in today’s world! According to the Bible here the “old paths” is the good way and the “old paths” will lead to rest for the soul. It seems like the whole world is searching today. Just maybe the Bible has the answers once again. To go forward, we need to go back to the “old paths”.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for the Lord to lead us back to the “old paths” of salvation, of worship, or faith in our Lord such as never before! 
1 Timothy 6:10
Ever feel like you need more money? Join the club! Today’s text has a good message to remind you and I that money is not the answer to everything. As a matter of fact, according to the scripture, it can get us in trouble. If we lust after it, love it as the Bible puts it, it will lead to evil! There is nothing wrong with having a few dollars in the bank, but never let that dollar become the center of your world!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray that the Lord, not the dollar bill, be the center of our world! 
Psalm 118:8
The Lord gave me a simple message out of this verse of scripture many years ago. Here it is. Why does the Bible say “it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man”? Because the Lord is the only one that can save a soul, satisfy a soul, keep me safe, is the same all of the time!!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, always help me to keep my trust in you instead of confidence in man! 
Philippians 4:13
Somebody needed this verse today! I don’t know who it is but the Lord knows! Every time you think about quitting or just giving up, read this verse of scripture! This is a good verse to memorize.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me remember that there is nothing that you and I cannot face together! 
Nahum 1:7
Have you ever felt like you needed a strong arm to help you when you are in trouble? Well, according to the Bible here, the Lord can be that strong arm in that day! The scripture also points out here that the Lord knows who trusts in Him and who does not! Remember, we cannot hide anything from the Lord!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s thank the Lord for being so good to us in our prayers today! 
John 11: 25-26
Don’t be afraid of death! If you know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today, remember those words! Jesus gives life to those that trust Him! Next time that death makes you feel a little uncomfortable remember the words of Jesus in verse 26, “and whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die”.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray today that we not be afraid of death. If we are saved, we shall never die! 
Genesis 2: 21-25

Since we began the month of March in the book of Genesis, let’s finish up the month in that book. With all the talk today of people not being sure if they are male or female, the Bible teaches here that it was God that  made us male and female. As a matter of fact, if you look back at Genesis 1:27, He tells us this: the devil tries every day to confuse people about the truth of God. The truth is God does not make mistakes! We are born male or female, praise the Lord!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for those that the devil has confused today. Let’s pray for their eyes to be opened to Bible truth!!

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