09 Mar

Jonah 3: 1-4
If you know anything about the book of Jonah, then you know that Jonah got in Big Trouble for not obeying Almighty God! When God call him and sent him to the city of Nineveh to preach repentance of sin to them, he disobeyed and headed in the opposite direction. But in today’s scripture the Bible declares that God gave him a second chance! Yes, he faced God’s judgement in the belly of a great fish, but in verse 1 of Jonah chapter 3, God called him and gave him another chance. Let’s thank God for second chances today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Thank you Lord for your mercy, even when I don’t deserve it! 
Galatians 3: 1-5 
Have you ever thought about quitting on God? The Galatians here that Paul was speaking to had allowed false teachers to come into the church and they were allowing themselves to be taken back into bondage! Paul called them foolish that turned their backs on truth and listened to lies! Our lesson today, we had better stay in the word of God. We had better be as close to the Lord as we can so that this does not happen to you and I. Remember, never go back on God!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to stand with my focus always on you in this troubled world! 
II Chronicles 20: 15-20
In today’s text, God’s people were in trouble! There was a really good possibility that they were about to be defeated and even destroyed. But the Bible teaches here that when Jehoshaphat feared and seeked the Lord (verse 3) things began to change. The Bible reminds us here that God will fight our battles if we trust Him! (verse 15) Have you noticed the battle around us today? Christians are being told to be quiet! The word of God is under fire. What can we do? AS the family of God we are to respect or fear God and we are to seek the Lord! God is still in control! Let’s trust Him to fight the battle. Let’s stand up together and call upon the Lord today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, remind us to seek you and Lord remind us that the battle is yours! 
Luke 20: 1-8
I love this scripture! The chief priests and the scribes were trying to trap Jesus. They wanted to get the people to lose confidence and respect for the Lord. But the Lord knew just what they were up to. When they questioned Him, He did not answer them back. Remember this, the Lord knows everything about you and I, even our intentions. We cannot hide anything from God!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, remind me that I can hide nothing from you! 
Psalm 24: 1-3
Today’s scripture reminds us who this world belongs to. Verse 1 plainly tells us that this world is the Lords! I really believe that the prince of the power of the air-satan- (Ephesians 2:2) has convinced a lot of people that the world belongs to them and him. We get fussed at from some people all of the time that we need to take care of the planet as long as we are here. But, this world does not belong to your and I or them and the devil! This world belongs to the Lord! We need to worship the Lord, not this world!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Thank you Lord for the earth! 
II Timothy 3: 1-5
I believe that we are living in these days! You can pick up a newspaper and see just about everything happening in this scripture fulfilling today in the world! Well, what does that mean? It means that Jesus Christ is coming to rapture the church out of this world soon!! Notice the warning that the Bible gives the child of God in verse 5- stay away from those that have a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. Turn away from this! Get ready, Jesus is coming!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for lost souls to get saved today before the rapture!! 
Malachi 4: 1
God’s judgment is coming! The Bible put it very simply here- all that do wickedly shall be stubble- they will burn. People need to hear the Gospel message more today than ever before. People also need to hear about the judgment of God on those that reject Gods supreme sacrifice for sin, Jesus Christ! Remember this, share Jesus with everybody. One day it will be too late for them to get saved!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please use me today to lead others to you!! 
Revelation 22: 12-13
The Lord seems to be allowing us to share the message this week that He is coming soon! Notice the speed of His coming here- quickly!! Notice the results of His coming- my rewards with me (verse 12). He is without beginning and end. The Lord is eternal. He has always been and He will always be. Look up child of God, Jesus is coming soon!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, use me! Let others see Jesus shining through me today! 
Joshua 24: 17-21
In today’s scripture, after the death of Moses, Joshua is reminding the people of God that they must choose to serve Almighty God or the false gods of this world. This is a message that Christians, we that have been adopted into the family of God by the blood of Jesus Christ, need to hear today! Verse 19 tells us that God is a holy God and a jealous God! In verse 20, Joshua reminds us that if we forsake the Lord, we, His people, will force his wrath! A good thing to keep in mind today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to always put you first in my life. 
Mark 3: 1-6
Can you imagine Jesus getting in trouble for healing a mans withered hand in the house of God? Think about that-the Son of God got in trouble with man for healing a man in the house of God! Talk about legalism! The Pharisees were not concerned about the man with the withered hand, they were concerned about Jesus healing him on the Sabbath day! Friends, lets never forget the Lord is more concerned about you and I than He is about others opinions. Thank God that Jesus did not listen to his critics but the God the Father!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please do a work in my life at any time and anywhere!! 
Genesis 9: 11-17
The rainbow-so beautiful-and so misunderstood in today’s world. Some today see the rainbow and use it’s colors as a symbol of gay pride. This is wrong for the rainbow colors to ever be displayed this way. God never gave the rainbow as a point of sin for what is, according to the Bible, a sinful life style. God gave the rainbow as a sign of a promise to man. A promise that He would not destroy this world again by water. And a promise that he had a covenant with man after the flood!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, allow us to teach this world truth from the word! 
Romans 14: 11-12
Our text today is short, but powerful! One day, one of these days, we must all answer to God! According to the Bible here, one day we will all bow a knee before the Lord. I can remember as a child, I did not like to hear my mom or dad say that they were disappointed in me. I don’t want to have to hear the Lord say “I am disappointed in you”. Let’s live in a way today that will bring honor and glory to the Lord!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to live in a way that will be pleasing to you! 

      8/13/24 Psalm 105: 1-5
Sometimes we have to just stop and thank the Lord! That’s what we are doing today. In these verses the Lord even tells us how we can thank Him. Make knows (verse 1), sing unto Him (verse 2), seek the Lord (verse 3), remember His marvelous works (verse 5). Let’s practice each of these today as we thank the Lord for His goodness to us!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: In our prayer today, let’s just spend time thanking God for His goodness to you and I! 
II Peter 3: 1-9
This part of scripture give us two main lessons. Number one: in the last days before the Lord comes to get the church, people will make light of Jesus coming back. The Bible teaches in verse 3 that they will be scoffers. In other words they will make fun of the fact that the Lord has not come yet. Number two: this lesson is found in verses 8-9. God’s time schedule is not the same as ours! The Bible reminds us in verse 9 that the Lord will keep His promise. Jesus is coming! Let’s spread the news!!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for strength to share the message of Jesus coming back soon with as many as we can! 
Isaiah 50: 4-7
According to today’s text the Lord will equip you and I to serve Him if we will just listen to Him. Notice the last six words of verse 4- “the Lord God hath given to me”. Verse 5 tells us that God has opened our ears, if we will just get into His word and listen and pray and read and listen, God will speak to us. My favorite verse in this text is verse 7- “for the Lord God will help me”. That is something that you and I can count on, if we trust the Lord, He will help us!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for God’s hlp daily to face the days of this world! 
Matthew 8: 1-4
Can you imagine crossing paths with Jesus? It happened to a leper in todays scripture. Notice what the leper did. Verse 2 says he worshipped the Lord! He acknowledged Jesus as Lord and he acknowledged the power of the Lord. He told the Lord in verse 2, if you will, you can heal me. In verse 3 the Lord did just that! Jesus touched him, which is something a person was not to do, to touch a person with leprosy. The Lord told him “I will, be thou clean”. Seems to me that a meeting with Jesus Christ can change a person forever!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for a closer walk with Jesus than ever before in our life! 
Proverbs 3: 11-12
Have you ever been corrected or made to behave as a child? According to today’s text, God will correct His children! The Bible tells us in this scripture, do not despise, do not get upset when the Lord corrects me! As a matter of fact, the text tells us that if the Lord corrects me and you, we belong to Him! The truth here is this, if I belong to the Lord and I get a little or a lot out of hand, God will correct me as a good parent would do!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to behave so that you do not have to correct me! 
Colossians 4: 6
Today’s text is short but powerful! The Bible tells us here how to speak or how to answer others when it comes to trusting the Lord. Notice words “with grace” which comes with it “kind”. “Seasoned with salt” which come with it “to the point, but spoke in wisdom”. When we speak to answer someone about the things of God, remember “that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man”. Always look to the Lord to give you and I the right words!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, always guide my tongue to speak only what is pleasing to you! 
Genesis 11: 1-9
Have you ever wondered why the world speaks different languages? Well, the answer is found in today’s scripture. The Bible teaches that man decided to build a tower to heaven (verse 4). Man was planning to elevate himself before God (verse 4) “and let us make us a name”. The Lord put a stop to the plan which He caused them to not understand each other. Think about it. It is hard to work with another builder and ask him to give you a hammer and he does not even understand what you are saying. Man should never try to make a name for himself.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to never try to make a name for myself! 
I John 1: 15-17
As a child of God, born again, covered by the blood, on the way to heave, you and I should not be in love with this world! As a matter of fact, the Bible gives us warning about this very thing. In verse 15 “if any man love the word, the love of the Father is not in him”. Verse 16 warns you and I of why not to love this world. My favorite verse in this text is verse 17. One day this old world will pass away, but if I do the will of God, I will live forever. Let’s keep our focus on the Lord and not this world.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me keep my focus on you and not on the world! 
Jonah 2: 1-4
Have you ever found yourself praying in some unusual places? Have you ever talked to God while you were in the belly of a big fish? Me either! But, I have gotten myself in some bad places because I did not listen to the Lord. Kinda like Jonah here. Today’s text ought to teach us no matter where we are or why we are there, it is still a good place to pray! Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish’s belly!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, remind me that no matter where I am, I can reach you in prayer! 
Revelation 21: 4-8
Revelation 21 is known as the “Heaven” chapter in the Bible. The first part of the text tells us about that heaven will be like. No more crying, no more pain, no more death. Great scripture as we think about the City of God. But notice here that verse 8 tells us about who will not be there. As you read verse 8 keep this in mine. Anyone who practices any of these things will not be there. Oh what a place!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, give me the wisdom and strength today and words to tell as many as I can about heaven and how we get there! 
Psalm 9: 17
Ok, today’s reading is very short, but very powerful! The Bible here gives us the outcome for the wicked. Then, it gives us the outcome for nations that forget God. They will end up in hell ! We have often heard the Bible warn about a person that rejects Jesus Christ, God’s Son, ending up in hell, but a nation? Think about the Islamic nations. Think about the Buddhist nations. Think about any nation that does not acknowledge the true God, the God of the Bible. Makes your heart go out to those nations!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help America turn back to you!! 
Luke 4: 14-21
I love this scripture! I know that I say that a lot, but the Word of God is great! Jesus went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and read scripture. After reading the word of God, He sat down and as the eyes of all there were upon Him, He told them in verse 21 that “this day is the scripture fulfilled in your ears”. The scripture was talking about Him(Jesus) and He was fulfilling the text right before their eyes! Can you imagine being in that crowd! The Son of God was among them! Remember this, the Lord is among us today in the Worship Service! We should acknowledge Him and praise and worship Him!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help us always to be mindful of your presence. 
Isaiah 9: 6-7
I know what you are thinking. This is August, not December. This is Christmas scripture. I believe that this text needs to be shared every day of the year! Here in verse 6 and 7 of Isaiah 9 is the promise of God for a Savior that was coming into this world from God the Father! The Lord Jesus Christ deserves all of the titles given to him in verse 6. This scripture also deals with the coming millennial reign of Jesus in verse 7. Remember this, the only time this world will ever be at peace will be when Jesus will rule this earth for a thousand years!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to share the Gospel this day!! 
Matthew 20: 17-19
As I read today’s scripture, I wonder how many of the disciples with the Lord on this day understood He was talking to them? Jesus plainly told them what was about to happen to Him. He shared how He would be betrayed and be condemned to death by the chief priests. He even told them he would be delivered to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified. He even told them about his resurrection on the third day. But did they get it? Our lesson for today, listen to what the Lord is really saying to you and I today. Spend time with Jesus in the Bible and in prayer. Then, listen!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY:  Lord, help me to really hear you when you speak to me! 
Job 14: 14
Wow!! Today’s scripture has the question of questions in it. When a man dies, shall he live again? The best answer to me of this question is found in John 11:25 when Jesus told Martha, Lazarus’s sister, that “I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in my, though he were dead, yet shall he live”. So to answer Job’s question, yes, in Jesus Christ a man shall live again!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me share the message that in Jesus Christ is eternal life! 
I Thessalonians 5: 1-5
In chapter 4 of I Thessalonians is the rapture scripture. The Bible has just finished telling us about the coming of Jesus to get His church. In today’s text, the focus is on when. When will this happen? We don’t know the date. The Lord even said at one point that only the Father knows the hour. But the Bible does give us some strong signs here. It will be unexpected “as a thief in the night”. It will be when the world tells us everything is fine “for they shall say peace and safety”. Friends, Jesus Christ is coming soon! Let’s live as close to the Lord as we can!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me tell others about the rapture today! 
Joshua 6: 1-2
What a message from the Lord did Joshua get in today’s text. In verse 2, the Lord told Joshua “I have given into thine heart Jericho”. Friends, here is the lesson from today’s scripture. When the Lord gives something to His children, He really gives it! Joshua and his army was told how to take the city and what to do after they got into the city, but the city already belonged to the people of God from this point on! Believe the promises of God today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY:  Lord, help me stand on your promises today! 
I Timothy 5: 7-8
Today’s scripture shows us the work ethics of Almighty God. The Lord expects people to work! The Bible here teaches that a man that will not provide for his own, his family, is worse than an infidel! Strong word from the word of God. Here’s a thought for today- a good hard day of work has never hurt anybody!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, give me the strength and wisdom to provide for my own. 
Genesis 1: 14-19
Every now and then it is a good thing to remember how “light” came to this world. God spoke it and it happened. The sun, the moon, the stars. God made them! Science spends hours and hours and money to no end trying to answer the question, how did light get on this planet. They need a good old fashion KJV Bible and they will see, God did it!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Thank you Lord for the light!!

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