09 Mar

GENESIS 37: 23-28
Jealousy leads to hatred and both lead to sin. In today’s text, we find that Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery. How horrible to think that family can hate so bad that family would sell one of their own! Families are under attack of the devil more than ever before. We, as Children of God, should love our family members. We should pray for them and encourage them to serve the Lord. On this first day of the New Year, let’s purpose in our hearts to be thankful for our families and love them more this year!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, keep my family safe this year and draw us closer together! 
John 4: 10-14
I love this scripture! Jesus here is meeting with the woman at the well. Verse 10 is so powerful. Jesus tells the woman, if you only knew who it was before you, you would ask Him for living water! Who was before her? Almighty God in the form of Jesus Christ the Son. When others see you and I today, if we are saved, they should see the Son of God shining through us by the power of the Holy Ghost! They should see Almighty God shining in us. Let’s remember as we go about today that we represent the God of this universe! Let’s live like it today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me live in a way where others can see God in me today! 
AMOS 8: 11-12
God told His people here that there would come a time when they would desire to hear the word of God but it will not be found. A time of judgment was on the way! I believe the same is on the way for our nation today. Think about it. We live in a nation where you can own all of the Bible’s that you want. But yet our land has sin raging in our very streets! We, as a nation, have taken the Bible and the very presence of God for granted! We had better tell those around us today that God is trying to get our attention as a nation and we had better listen before it is too late!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please send revival to our nation this year! 
ACTS 4: 11-13
I love the last part of verse13- “they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus”. Notice the message that was put forth from this group. Verse 11, they tell of the chief corner stone, the Lord Jesus Christ! Verse 12, they tell that there is no other name that has salvation in it! Verse 13, they saw the boldness of Peter and John. You see, when you have been with Jesus, it shows! Take some time and be with Jesus today.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let me decrease me Lord and increase you in my life!! 
PROVERBS 27: 1-2
In today’s text, the Bible gives you and I some great advice. First, in verse 1, we are told not to brag about what we are going to do tomorrow. Remember, we are not promised what the day may bring. Then, in verse 2, we are told not to brag on ourselves. A good reminder here that the Lord should receive all praise and Glory, not you and I. We belong to Him! Good advice to live by!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me not to brag on myself but to bring glory to you!! 
LUKE 4: 1-13
Today’s reading is a little long, but powerful! Have you ever been tempted of the devil to do wrong? We all have! Jesus faced the devil on an empty stomach! The Bible tells us here in verse 2 that He had not eaten in 40 days. Why? I believe that He was fasting and totally concentrated on fellowship with the Father. Notice how the Lord dealt with the devil. Every time the devil would tempt Him, He would answer with the word of God! When satan attacks you and I today, let’s follow the Lord’s example. Concentrate on the Lord and use the Bible to stand against the devil.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to stand when tempted by the devil today. 
JEREMIAH 24: 6-7
In today’s scripture, the Lord is talking about the Jews. He is speaking about Israel. Could this text also apply to our nation? America was built upon the principles of the Bible. Our very laws are based on the Ten Commandments. Now, many don’t want to hear that today, but it is true. My prayer for our nation today is that God would do to our nation what He said He would do to Israel in verse 7- Give America a heart to know Him!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please draw America to you today! 
How do I treat my body today? Ok, as for me, not so good. I eat at all hours of the day, including before I go to bed at night. I don’t exercise as I should. The list could go on and on. My point is this, according to our scripture today, you and I should remember that if we are saved our bodies are the dwelling place of the Holy Ghost of God. Then, according to verse 17 here, shouldn’t we treat that dwelling as a place of God? Ok, I will try to do better. How about you?
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to treat my body better! 
GENESIS 12: 1-3
I know that we have looked at this scripture before, but I believe that we should be reminded often to pray for Israel. We also need to remember to pray that America will keep standing with Israel. The Bible reminds us in verse 3 that God will bless the nation that stands with her. The Bible also warns that God will curse or bring judgment on the nation that does not stand with Israel. See, this text is worth remembering every now and then!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, I pray for peace in Jerusalem. I also pray that you deal with the leaders in America to stand close to Israel. 
ROMANS 3: 23
Have you ever heard the statement “nothing is free”? Everything has a price tag? Well, in today’s text we are shown that sin has a high price! Sin, if not dealt with, will cost a person their life! Sounds like a high price to pay! It is a price that all of us would have to pay if it were not for the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son! The good news today, I don’t have to go to Hell because of my sin! I can have eternal life in Heaven if I allow Jesus to forgive me of my sin!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Thank you Jesus for making a way for me! 
PSALM 32: 1-2
After we dealt with the wages of sin yesterday, I thought that we should take a look at the person whose sins have been forgiven and put under the blood. The Bible here puts it very plainly, that person is blessed! Let’s receive that blessing from the Lord today. Let’s make sure that our sins are under the blood of Jesus now!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please forgive me of any sin in my life! 
LUKE 16: 13
Today’s scripture is short but powerful! We need to be reminded to keep our priorities in line every day! We cannot serve God and the world at the same time. According to the word of Jesus here, it is impossible to serve the Lord and the world at the same time. On this January day, let’s take a look at everything in our lives and ask the question, is the Lord first in my life?
PRAYER FOR THE DAY:  Lord, remind me daily to have you first in my life! 1/13/25
GENESIS 7: 12-16
In today’s scripture, God’s judgment on sinful man! God destroyed man and all creatures on the earth except for those in the Ark, which He told Noah to build. There is something that has always stood out to me in this text. In verse 16, the Bible declares that after the animals and Noah and his family went into the ark, “the Lord shut him in”. God shut the door. One day it will be too late for man. When God shuts the door, it is closed!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for lost souls to get saved, while they have time! 
MATTHEW 26: 52-54
Powerful words from the Savior! As Jesus is about to be arrested and put to death, He reminded those around him and you and I that He could stop this. He had done no wrong! Jesus could have called to the Father and He would have delivered Him! But what a Savior!! Jesus went forward to do the Father’s will. The scripture must be fulfilled. Verse 54 reminds us that God’s word must and will be done! Again, what a Savior!!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to have the same drive as you, to do the Father’s will! 
PSALM 116: 15
This is one of my favorite verses in the word of God. As a minister of the Gospel, I have done a lot of funeral services over the years. I have tried to encourage many, many people over the years that have lost loved ones to death. This verse always helps me minister to a hurting family when the one who dies professed to know the Lord. God hold it very precious when He sees one of His own face death. God cares friends! The Lord will never allow one of His children to face death alone!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY:  Lord, help me to minister to someone that is hurting today! 
JOHN 15: 13
What a verse! Our world today really does not understand what real love is. When many people think about love they think kissing or physical attractions or actions. But real love is found in this verse. Jesus tells us that there is no greater love anywhere than a man will give his life for his friends. That is what Jesus did upon that cross. He took our sins upon His back and died for us. The friends that He speaks of here are those that allow Him to be Savior and Lord in their lives. What a friend—what a Savior!!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me love others more than ever before! 
HOSEA 1: 10
In this verse there is a two-fold message. Judgment was about to come upon God’s people, Israel. But at the same time, God reminds us that His people, Israel, will survive. Notice the words “the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea”. The Bible is telling us here that there will be so many of God’s people that they could never be counted. I believe that we need to remember how special Israel is to Almighty God. We need to pray for our nation to stand with Israel every day!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for the leaders in our land to always stand with the nation of Israel. 
I know that we have looked at this scripture before but I think we need to be reminded about the rapture! Friends, this is going to happen! Not because the Baptist or Methodist or the Pentecostals say so, but because the Bible says so!! Jesus is coming to get His church! Now, we don’t know the date, the year or even the time, but I know that He is coming. Let’s keep this in mind and share the message with others today.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me lead someone to you and get them rapture ready! 
JOB 14: 1-3
This verse kind of makes me feel like we all have something in common. First, we are all born of a woman. I know that some people today cannot understand if they are male or female, but here is the truth- no man has ever had a baby! We are all born of a woman. Second, life on this earth is short. Even if I live to be 100, that is a short amount of time! And third, as long as we are alive on this earth we will have troubles. The point- we should be trusting the Lord more today than ever before! We need Him in this world!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, allow me to be closer to you this year than ever before! 
MATTHEW 7: 1-5
Ok, how many of us have judged someone else? I will be the first to say I am guilty of this, sometimes many times a day! Jesus give us a big warning here to not judge others! Here is the problem. First, we don’t know what that person is facing in their lives. Second, the Lord is the only real righteous judge. Now, the Lord is not saying to ignore sin, but He is saying leave the judgment of the sin to Him. We are also told in this text to examine our lives for our own sin daily. This is the meaning of the blame in our own eyes.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to pray for others instead of judging them! 
PSALM 25: 4-5
Have you ever thought about learning to live in a way that the Lord would be pleased with? Well, according to the Bible here, if we want to live for the Lord, we need to ask Him to show us and teach us the path. I love verse 5 here that tells me to ask the Lord to lead me. How many times have we tried to live our lives our way and tried to please the Lord at the same time? It wont work! The Bible here teaches that if we ask the Lord and wait on Him, He will guide us.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, show me your path for my life today! 
HEBREWS 13: 1-3
We had better be careful as to how we treat other people! According to the Bible here, we could be entertaining angels unawares. Here is something to remember today. We had better be kind to everybody we come in contact with today because that one person may be a representative of the Lord! Let’s be kind to everybody because it’s the right thing to do. Remember, let’s treat others the way we want to be treated!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to remember to be kind to others today! 
The Lord was speaking mainly to the priests of that day, or the religious leaders if you will. But should not this text apply to us all? I believe that the Lord was giving warning here as to taking God’s name lightly. All of us as Children of God in Jesus Christ today need to be careful that we don’t take the Lord’s name in vain. You say well preacher, I don’t cuss. That may be true but we need to be careful how we say things like “oh my God” or “Jesus” in a derogatory way! We need to honor the name of God!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to bring honor to your name today and not dishonor! 
Am I afraid to die? If I am saved, born again into the family of God through the blood of Jesus Christ, I shouldn’t be. I love the way the Spirit of God had Paul say it here “If I live, I live for Christ. If I die, I will be even more blessed”. Think about it. Even though I may not want to die today, if I know the Lord why should I be afraid? The Lord has promised so much for all that will trust Him- Heaven- what a place!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please take away any fear I have of death. 
ISAIAH 51: 15
Sometimes you just have to be reminded as to who God is! This verse reminds us that He is the Great I Am! He is the God that divided the sea for His people many years ago! He is Almighty God. The Lord of Hosts! So, whatever you and I may be facing today, He is still in control. Let’s stop worrying and start trusting Him!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, remind me daily that you are God and you are still in control! 
LUKE 2: 41-52
Today’s reading is a little long, but it is good! In today’s text, Jesus is about 12 years old. When returning from a trip to Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph don’t realize that Jesus is not with them. As soon as they discover that Jesus is not with them, they go back and find Him. Notice where they find Him in verse 46. He is in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, listening to them and He was answering their questions. The educated group could not believe the knowledge of Jesus. Mainly because they did not understand who He was! When Mary and Joseph found Him, they were a little upset. But notice how Jesus answered them- why are you looking for me? I must be about my Father’s business! Read this again and let it sink in! What a Savior!!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s just thank Jesus for being our Savior! 
EZEKIEL 22: 30
Am I willing to stand in the gap for America? Would I be willing to stand before God and pray for my nation to not be destroyed? Think about it. So many of our athletes are willing to kneel during our National Anthem to protest their cause. Would you be willing to stand in the gap before a Holy God and pray and ask Him to please not destroy our nation?
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, use me today as one that would stand in the gap for our nation. 
JOHN 20: 24-29
Thomas was not there when Jesus first appeared to His disciples. I don’t believe he was being mean when he told the others after they told him of Jesus’ appearance that unless he sees the nail prints in his hands and puts his finger in the prints of the nails and puts his hand to the side of Jesus which was pierced, he just could not believe that He was alive. Then in verse 27, when Jesus does appear before him, Thomas believes. I love what Jesus tells us in verse 29-blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed”. That is you and I friend! I have not seen, yet I believe!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, increase our faith that we believe even stronger! 
PSALM 113: 1-3
OK, since we are near the end of the month I thought that we would just stop and praise the Lord today! Verse 1 reminds us to praise His name! Verse two tells us to praise His name forever! Verse 3 reminds us to praise His name all day! Have you done any complaining today? I probably have. Let’s do something different today instead of complaining, let’s spend more time praising the Lord instead! He is worthy of our praise!!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Praise the Lord with uplifted hands today!! 
JAMES 1: 2-4
Who is dealing with temptation today? Or as the Bible calls them here “divers temptations”. The Bible reminds us to “let patience have her perfect work”. But here is a word of advice. Don’t pray for patience, wait on the Lord for it. Pray and trust that the Lord will get you through it. The Bible teaches in the last part of verse 4 if we do this we will get through this “wanting nothing”. In other words, God will take care of things if we trust HIM!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me get through stuff today in your timing! 
Have you ever heard the saying that “you are what you eat”? Well, according to the Bible here, we will become who we hang out with! If I hang with the wise, I will become wise. But if I hang with the fools, I will be destroyed. Let’s do some life studies today, who am I hanging with??
PRAYER FOR THE DAY:  Let’s pray for the people who are in our lives every day!!



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