As we begin what some call Valentine or Family Month, let’s start off with a message to all parents from the Bible. Notice something in today’s text. The word “way” is the same word that Jesus used in John 14: 6 when He said that He was the way. In other words, let’s raise up our children in Jesus! If a child is brought up hearing about Jesus and what He did for us, if he leaves the path someday he will come back to the way- Jesus! Keep this in mind as we see our children face this world!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please keep our young people under your care today!
If you do not believe that we are living in the last days before the Lord calls the church out, then compare today’s scripture with today’s news! Jesus is coming soon! Let’s get pour minds off of worldly problems and get our minds on doing a work for the Lord! With not much time left, let’s not waste a minute on telling someone about Jesus today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, use me today to share the Gospel!
PSALM 118: 8
PRAISE GOD!! What a message in today’s scripture! We could name reasons all day as to why it is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in man. The bottom line is man will let you down, the Lord will not. Today, let’s spend some time depending more upon the Lord that depending on man. I promise that it sure will make things go better!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me keep my eyes off of the deeds of man and keep my eyes on you!!
MATTHEW 7: 7-8
I wonder how many blessings we miss out on because we just did not ask the Lord for help? Remember yesterday we talked about trusting the Lord instead of man? Well, according to the scripture here, if we will ask or seek and know before the Lords, we will get the help that we seek. Seems to me that we could learn a big lesson today if we would slow down and do things God’s way!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me daily to remember to seek you and your will and not mans!
ISAIAH 44: 1-2
What? Did the text today say that God hath made and formed someone from the womb? Wait a minute- I thought that abortion was ok because that baby was not a real person until they are born. According to the Bible here, a baby is a living soul that God knows about before it is born! Therefore, abortion is wrong before God! Let’s tell others today that all life is special before God and that He loved us so much that He gave us His Son to die for us and to be our Savior!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to spread the word that according to your word, all life is precious!
I JOHN 5: 4-5
Have you ever been called an overcome? If you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are an overcomer! Remember, we cannot overcome the world or the devil, but Jesus did and because of His victory over death and the grave, when we trust Him He makes us overcomers too! We should spend some time today thanking and praising the Lord for His goodness and grace!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Thank you Lord for making me an overcomer in Jesus Christ!
ISAIAH 51: 1-8
I know that today’s reading is a little long but it is good! The message is that God will deliver His people. Now of course the Lord is talking to His chosen people but I believe that we should be encouraged with this text also. God will deliver all of those who will trust His son Jesus Christ and what He did for all of us upon that cross. Today, if you need to be delivered from something, trust God!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to always look to you for deliverance!
Do you need comfort today? Then today’s text is just for you! As you study this part of the word of God today, take note of how that our God will comfort you and I in all matters and at all times. Whatever you are facing today, remember God will be there for you and He will comfort you if you trust Him!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please comfort all those who need that touch from you right now. In Jesus name!!
I KINGS 18: 36-40
Man oh man what a prayer! As Elijah stood against the false prophets of Baal here, notice that it was not the length of the prayer that made the fire fall from Heaven. I believe that it was Elijah’s acknowledging God in verse 36 and Elijah pleading with God to show the people that the Lord God was God indeed! You see, in our prayer lives it’s not how long we pray or the Bible words that we use before God, it’s the way that we honor God from our hearts!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me today to trust you wholeheartedly when I ask you to take my burden! 2/10/25
LUKE 13: 10-17
As you study today’s scripture, please enjoy the healing power of God in this text! Jesus healed this woman from a problem of 18 years. But, also notice the foolishness of the ruler of the synagogue who was more concerned about the healing taking place on the Sabbath day than about the woman that was healed. How sad that people miss what God is doing altogether sometimes by focusing on the wrong things!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please keep me to keep my focus on you and not the world!
EZEKIEL 37: 1-3
As I taught the adult Sunday School class at Victory church a while back, I pointed out the question that God asked Ezekiel in verse 3 here and the great answer that Ezekiel gave God. “O Lord thou knowest”. I love that answer! I do not believe that Ezekiel was trying to be smart with God or even duck the question. Ezekiel was simply being honest-only God knows the answer. Sometimes maybe we should just admit before God that we do not know all the answers!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, I need your wisdom every day, every hour!
ROMANS 9: 1-5
What a burden-Paul had to see his people come to Christ. Paul said that he could wish for himself to be accused for Israel to get saved. Do you and I have this much of a burden for lost people today in our daily lives to get saved? Well, we should! Sometimes we get so caught up in our problems that we fail to stop and think about how many people around us, people that we see every day, people that we care about are heading to hell without Jesus Christ! That should give us a burden for the lost!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, give me more of a burden to win the lost than ever before!
PSALM 103: 1-6
Have we spent any time today blessing or worshipping the Lord? Verse 1 in this text tells us that we should be blessing or worshipping God with all that is within us. As you study this text today, do a little test. Think of which one we do more of on a daily basis-complain and bellyache about things that are wrong or bless and worship the Lord for His goodness. I sure hope that we spend more time doing the latter today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, remind me every time I get ready to complain how very blessed I am!
I thought with today being Valentine’s Day that maybe we should spend some time thinking about what love really is. As you study this chapter today, remember to keep in mine verse 2. Paul reminds us that if we do not have love in our lives, we have nothing and we are nothing. Call someone today and tell them that you love them in the Lord!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me love others more today than ever before by your grace! 2/15/25
How important is it to love the Lord and to walk in all His ways and to cleave unto Him? As you study this text today, notice verse 23 teaches that God will bless those that will obey His word! As we get ready to face the day, let’s spend some time asking ourselves just how important the Lord is in our lives. Is He so important that nothing comes before His church in my life? Is He so important that I spend time with Him every day in prayer and in His word? Just how important is my walk with the Lord today?
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, would you allow me to be closer to you today than yesterday!
ACTS 8: 4-8
I love this scripture! Great joy came to that city! Why? Because the word of God was preached there and the people listened and obeyed the Spirit of God. God would love to bless our land more today if we would allow the word to be preached and if we would obey the Spirit of God-the Lord would do the blessing!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please give joy to our cities today!
Have you ever wanted to be smarter? Let’s face it, we could all be a little more wise from time to time. In today’s text we are taught that real wisdom comes from God! Now I know that education is needed in today’s world, but remember this, the best education that a person could ever get will come from God. Today, lets spend more time in the word than we did yesterday and lets spend more time with God than ever before!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, would you allow me to grown more in your word and your wisdom today!
II TIMOTHY 3: 16-17
Have you ever wondered where the Bible came from? Well, here is your answer. It comes from God! A lot of people put the Bible down today saying things like it could not have come from God because man wrote it or the book is out dated. The Bible gives witness of itself! It is God inspired. It is God breathed. It is God written. Spend more time in it today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, put your word on my heart today!
ISAIAH 60: 1-12
If today’s text had a theme it would be “The Lord’s Glory rest on Israel”. We need to always keep in mind that Israel is the promise of God. The Jews are God’s chosen people. There are so many people upon this earth today that hate the nation of Israel. Remember this, one that hates Israel or that hates the Jews must hate God.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem today! Bless Israel!
Do you know why we have so many people in our churches today that don’t have peace and joy in their lives? According to the scriptures here, after a person is saved a person must have fellowship with Him. Be rooted and built up in Him and be thankful unto Him every day! You see, according to verse 10 this is how a person can be complete! Lets get to know the Lord better today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to always build my life, my world on the word of God and you Lord!
DANIEL 3: 14-25
How far am I willing to go when standing up for the Lord? The 2 Hebrew boys in todays text were willing to go all the way to stand for God! In verse 17 and 18 the young men told the king that God could deliver them, but they were ready to stand and serve the Lord regardless. Are we willing to do the same? Would you be willing to die for the cause of Christ today?
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please always give me strength and power to stand for you!
ROMANS 8: 12-17
If I were to ask you this question today, how would you answer it? Are you led by the Spirit every day? According to the Bible here, we are to be led by and live by the leadership of the Spirit of God every day. Maybe today would be a good time to ask the Lord to direct our paths and our actions by His Spirit!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, lead me every day by your sweet Holy Ghost!
Have you ever been around a jealous person? Someone who loved another person so much that they wanted all of their love and they did not want anyone else to fool with them? The Bible declares that our God is a jealous God! He wants His people to acknowledge Him and never to put anyone or anything in front of Him. Today, let’s do some soul searching and let’s make sure that there is not anything or anyone in our lives that come before God!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Let’s pray for boldness to never never put anything in front of God!
TITUS 2: 1-7
Am I a good example for the Lord? The Bible, in today’s text, teaches that we are to be men and women and even young people, an example before the younger in faith. Do we live up to the example that the scripture here puts forth in this example? We should! Remember, even in the church we never know who is watching us!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me live a life that shows Jesus shining through me every day!
PSALM 34: 12
It has been a while since we have looked at this verse of scripture in our devotions. I believe that I can say today that America has been blessed of God. God has been so good to our nation. Yet America is having a hard time acknowledging God! What is to become of our nation if we turn away from God? Let’s do our part to see God’s blessed hand back on America again!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, please send revival to our churches and across this land!
REVELATION 22: 12-13
Wow, what a promise! The Lord is coming and for those that trust Him, He will reward! Am I ready for the coming of the Lord? Does my life reflect the coming of the Lord daily? Can others see Jesus in me and through me? Just some questions to ponder today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me be faithful to you, not the reward, but because you have been so good to me already!
PROVERBS 12: 1-3
What better thing could be said of you and I but that we have favor of the Lord? According to the Bible here, a person that loves the instruction of God and tries to live in that instruction will find favor before the Lord! I don’t know about you but I would rather have the favor from the Lord than anyone else I know today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Teach me your ways Lord!!
JOHN 3: 16-18
This is some of the most well known scriptures that can be found in the Word of God. Yes so many people know and remember verse 16 but not share or even remember verse 18 “He that believeth not is condemned already”. Maybe there is someone that we need to share that verse with today!
PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Lord, help me to share Jesus with someone today!